What is Kalyuga ?

Friends, we all have heard that now we are living in kalyuga and in this yuga all things are different from another three era(Yuga).
So one question always arises in our mind that what is kalyuga and why the all things and persons are different from anthers?

So let us discuss on that,

Friends, Basically there are four eras(Yugas)
1) Satyuga
2) Tretayuga
3) Dhwaparyuga
4) Kalyuga

Kalyuga is known for its badness and is also said that after kalyuga the whole world will be destroyed by almighty.

According to Mythology,

    At the end of Dhwaparyuga when all the pandavas have started their journey for heaven, when they are tired then they stayed in the forest for some time. Then Arjun asked Lord Krishna that is this last era or any era will come? Then Lord krishna replied, of course, Parth(Arjuna) one era is remaining and that is Kalyuga. It will come after this era. Then all pandavas asked Lord Krishna that what is Kalyuga please say something about that, Then Krishna replied If you really wanted to know about kalyuga, then do what I say, go and visit the forest. Sahdev is Trikaldarshi ( The knower of three aspects of time) , so he knows everything. the rest of four Pandavas visited the whole jungle and all have seen fantastic things. Yudhistira has seen that one cowlick her calf extremly then calf becomes bloody. Bheem has seen that one big rock was rolling over from hill and it has that much power that it can destroy everything while it was rolling it destroyed very big stones and many rocks but at one point there is a small plant when big rock came there and touched a plant then the big rock was destroyed automatically. Arjun has seen that one bird is eating non-veg and veda ruchas(Mantras) written on her feather. Nakul has seen that there are five wells in a circle and sixth well is in the centre of these five wells he has seen that all five wells are full of water but sixth well is empty. Then all four pandvas came and said the fantastic things. Lord Krishna explained all four fantastic things.

    First Lord Krishna explained to Yudhistira that What you have seen is completely correct In kalyuga the parents will love children very much that they will become an interception for their children's development. Then Lord Krishna replied to Bheem that no doubt Kalyuga is full of bad people but still there are some persons who believed in Dharma who will have to help and when they all will die then Kalyuga will be completed. Krishna replied to Arjun that in Kalyuga knowledge is there but remember my words in Kalyuga who have power, property, money or knowledge , If they will become helpful to nation or world then of course nation will developing but they are the persons who exploit the common man or nation . In the last Krishna replied to Nakul that in Kalyuga rich person celebrate their smallest things but they will not help the persons who really wanted their help (People who live near them but rich parson will not help them because of status, selfishness etc).

Friends, this is a mythological aspect but if we like to see beyond than We discuss over the topic.

Kalyuga is known as black era means name suggests that in this era there has to be negativity. We had heard that rape on 11th month older baby, rape on 8 years old girl.
So we think that , that is Kalyuga you are right but not exactly, because sometimes we know about crime and criminal but we stay silent and we don't have the courage or we feel bad to reveal it because they are my friends or relatives, even if crime has done on us , though we silent. That is first aspect of Kalyuga when a person is knowing about crime/fact though he/she is silent ( Fear of telling truth), When that condition will come then we say that kalyuga is coming because the truth is nature of the soul , when we decive our soul then Kalyuga will come. 

The second aspect when we have money/knowledge to help anthers though we don't help them means we don't have "Compassion" then we say kalyuga will come. 

The third aspect -> Lack of respect: When we don't give respect to girls and ladies, Teachers, Parents etc, then we say Kalyuga will come. 

Fourth aspect -> Fight for religion: If we don't understand another's religion than don't worry but we don't have any right to say about any religion that this religion is good or bad, to show that our religion is better than this religion, it is huge mistake, because every religion is equal and all religions are good. It is a very important aspect because it is the main point of terrorism and it is great trouble for the whole world. 

Last and very much important aspect is Humanity: When people don't understand humanity and if they don't help another, then we definitely say that kalyuga must come because the death of Humanity means Kalyuga. If we understand these five aspects and humanity is in our soul then Kalyuga will never come, otherwise, these days will come when people are thirsty for other people's blood.

        "Be helpful , be respective , be happy and don't forget your sacraments" 


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